Jesse, a cat with an exceptional longevity, shared his time between his house and that of the neighbors across the street until he took up residence with the latter. His owner, understanding that he was happier this way, made a difficult but noble decision.

Carol LeAnn , aka “ @carolinarn1984 ” on TikTok , lives in the state of Oregon in the United States. Recently, her family grew with a rather surprising new member, a senior cat who already had a home and who nevertheless decided to live with her. She tells her story in a video shared on the social network and relayed by PetHelpful .
The feline in question, named Jesse , ” came out of nowhere ,” says Carol LeAnn . This 21-year-old cat invited himself into her home and she welcomed him with open arms. The hostess gave him wet food and caressed him for a long time.
The old cat liked the welcome so much that he decided to come back. His visits became more and more frequent and regular. Carol LeAnn later discovered that he already had a family, living across the street.
His owner did her best to hold him back, but Jesse kept missing time to go to the neighbor’s house across the street. In fact, he spent more time at her house than at his mistress’s home.
“He stole our hearts”
A few weeks later, Jesse ‘s owner contacted her because she hadn’t seen him for a while and was worried about him. In fact, the cat had simply taken up residence at Carol LeAnn’s house after discovering the cat flap installed for her dog. He could thus enter and leave as he pleased.
The lady told Carol LeAnn that Jesse “ deserves to live where he wants to live .” She saw that her cat felt better in this other house and respected her wishes.
“ He is loved ,” assures Carol LeAnn . He is getting wet food several times a day and seems to be doing much better. He is the sweetest old man and he has stolen our hearts .”